H41xxxT-L Catalog Details

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Product Line
H Conventional Series
Step Angle
1.80 degrees/step
Bipolar Series
# of Leads
Rated Current
2.70 Amps
Holding Torque
828 oz-in
Ambient Temp.
40.0 degrees C
Phase Resistance
2.41 Ohms @ 25 C
Phase Inductance
44.6 mH
Thermal Resistance
1.80 deg. C/Watt
Insulation Class
NEMA Class B, 130°C
Rotor Inertia
0.0800 oz-in-s2
Motor Weight
30.9 lb
Motor Length
5.61 in
Radial Loading Force
140 lbs
Axial Loading Force
400 lbs
Rating Conditions
Motor Unmounted, Without Heatsink
2D Drawing
* Assumed continuous duty for rating conditions

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Speed (steps/second ) Torque (oz-in ) TAbs (deg. C)
0.00 600 128.3
500.00 139 47.7
1000.00 60.0 50.6
1500.00 34.0 51.0
2000.00 21.7 51.6
2500.00 14.9 52.4
3000.00 10.7 53.1
3500.00 7.84 53.9
4000.00 5.74 54.7
4500.00 4.04 55.4
5000.00 2.53 56.2
5500.00 1.06 59.7
6000.00 0.00 63.2
6500.00 0.00 66.7
7000.00 0.00 70.2
7500.00 0.00 73.7
8000.00 0.00 77.2
8500.00 0.00 80.8
9000.00 0.00 84.3
9500.00 0.00 87.8
10000.00 0.00 91.3